It provides several graphing possibilities, but I focus on its directed graph capabilities using the Dot language. 它提供了多种画图能力,但是我们重点关注的是它使用Dot语言直连图的能力。
A flow is a directed graph with the activities as nodes and so-called links as edges connecting the activities. flow是一个有向图,活动被表示为节点,所谓的links被表示为连接活动的边。
A pipeline is a directed graph in which media flows in a defined direction from the input to the output. 管道是一个有向图,媒体在这个有向图中从输入流到输出。
RDF defines a directed graph of relationships. RDF定义了一种直连图的关系。
Semi-structured data represented by XML can be perceived as a labeled, directed graph containing one root vertex. 用XML表示的半结构化数据可以理解为,一个带标签的、包含一个根顶点的方向图。
Typically, this lifecycle model is a directed graph that depicts the life of the claim and the state changes that are allowed. 通常,这个生命周期模型是一个有向图,描述索赔的状态和允许的状态变化。
A Product Selective Disassembly Model Based on Hybrid Directed Graph 面向目标拆卸的产品复合有向图建模
To improve the confidentiality of Botnet, the authors proposed a dynamic Botnet model described with directed graph, which can accommodate various Botnets. 为提高僵尸网络的隐秘性,提出了一种动态僵尸网络模型,利用有向图进行描述,可以表示不同类型的僵尸网络。
Terminal Cache Replacement Algorithm in Data Broadcast System Based on Directed Graph Model 一种基于有向图模型的数据广播终端缓存算法
Electromagnetic Environment Complexity Metrics Algorithm Based on Directed Graph 基于有向图的电磁环境复杂度度量算法
Based on the directed graph of primary relay and backup relays coordination relationships, a new method to determine the minimum break point set ( MBPS) by graph simplification is proposed in this paper. 基于保护主后备配合依赖关系有向图,提出了通过有向图化简计算保护配合最小断点集(MBPS)的新方法。
Data Transmission Resource Scheduling Based on Directed Graph Model 基于有向图模型的数传资源任务规划技术研究
A fault diagnosis method based on nonlinear principal component analysis and sign directed graph 基于非线性主元分析和符号有向图的故障诊断方法
The model enhances the adaption of the existing workflow model based on directed graph as the system changes. 该模型克服了现有工作流模型如基于有向图工作流模型对系统变化适应性不足的问题。
The algorithm takes a directed graph as input, and produces a partition of the graph's vertices into the graph's strongly connected components. 算法的输入是一个有向图,产生一个图的强连通分量顶点划分。
Realization of Extended Edge-collection Array Memory Structure of Directed Graph 有向图扩展边集数组存储结构的实现
If the edges are ordered pairs of vertices then we get the notions of a directed graph and directed multigraph. 如果边都是顶点的有序对,则得到有向图和有向重图的概念。
A fundamental property of processes is that they can be represented as a diagram showing the steps and transitions in the form of a directed graph. 流程的基本属性是他们可由一张图表示出来,能以有向图的形式展现出步骤与转换关系。
A Web usage mining algorithm based on directed graph 基于有向图的Web使用模式挖掘算法研究
Study on Page Clustering Algorithms Based on Weighted Directed Graph 基于有向带权图的页面聚类算法研究
The computation is structured as a directed graph: programs are graph vertices, while the channels are graph edges. 计算是结构化的,以有向图的方式进行:程序是图形顶点,而通道则作为图的边。
In this algorithm, an extended directed graph is used to show attack types and their relations, while the correlation is performed according to the method of forwards matching and absent matching. 算法采用有向图来表示攻击类别及其逻辑关系,按照前向匹配和缺项匹配的方式对报警进行关联。
Fault Diagnosis System Based on Sign Directed Graph and Software Platform 基于符号有向图的故障诊断系统及其软件平台
Intelligent navigation method for product design based on extended adjacency matrix of directed graph 基于有向图邻接矩阵扩展的产品设计智能导航
The Number of Directed Cycles in a Directed Graph Based on the Arc Determinant 基于弧行列式的有向图中的有向圈数
The graph is a directed graph. 这个图是有向图。
Representation of parameter association structure for generalized modular by directed graph 广义模块参数关联结构有向图表示方法研究
All meta-tolerance models were set up based on directed graph. 采用图的有向边描述关键特征之间的容差关系;
An efficient algorithm of generating all elementary circuits in directed graph 生成有向图中全部简单回路的一种有效算法
This paper use weighted directed graph to describe user visit and conversation records, and use clustering algorithms to realize the page clustering by the weighted directed graph mode established. 利用有向带权图表示用户的访问会话记录,对建立的有向带权图模型运用聚类算法实现页面聚类。